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Elg Post 57 Ep 3 'Quarry' by Rebecca Birch


17.07-17.47 BST / 18.07 – 18.47 NO

For Televistas Rebecca Birch presents Elg Post 57, an episodic performance live-streamed from a moose hunting look out in the forest just above her home in Nittedal, Norway. Combining video, narration and collective waiting, the performance unfolds over the course of three Zoom meetings, hosted at dawn and dusk; the most active time of the day for the moose. Drawing together the analogous techniques for stillness in the landscape practised in Goethean Science and in deer and moose hunting, the work has been developed through research interviews with a Forestry England New Forest Keeper and with moose hunters active around Nittedal.

All welcome.

“ At the beginning of the meeting, I will introduce the location, and attempt to enable you to feel the ground through the screen. Once you feel embedded, we will sit to watch and wait for a moose together. For the best experience, please
⁃ keep your microphone muted unless you need to speak
⁃ listen through headphones
⁃ keep your camera on, if you are willing, so that we can see who is present
Please note that the meeting will be recorded, but this recording will not include the thumbnail images of participants. However if you want to keep your camera off just in case, I understand. Also, if you wish to change your name, so that your full name isn't displayed, feel free to do this. “