Creative commoning and community economies  ...

Creative commoning and community economies ...

An evolving reading/ watch list, by artists Laura Eldret, exploring practices of commoning as a form of social practice and in realtion to artist group PaC :

“… [we] create a commons of exchange and support to strengthen one another’s practice… We enact commoning as a social practice and action, a process of forming new knowledge and collective ways of being. PaC understands the commons not as an object, but as a social act. PaC activities are inspired by the ancient agricultural commoning practices of the New Forest.”

List compiled by Laura Eldret, anything you think should be added or want to talk more about acts of commoning get in touch

  • fold #02 on Commons from read here

  • Become a commoner info here from Craft Space touring exhibition and programme 'We are commoners'.

  • The Common, Re-Enchanting the World at Museum of Englis Rural Life view here

  • Diverse Economies Iceberg by Community Economies Collective

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

  • Curating for a Broken World": The Case for Collective Rewilding

  • Icebergian Economies of Contemporary Art
    Kathrin Böhm and Kuba Szreder
    Icebergian Economies of Contemporary Art (together with Kuba Szreder)

    Icebergian Economies of Contemporary Art offers reflections on art and economy, stimulated by J.K. Gibson-Graham’s representation of the economy as an iceberg. Themes include visible/invisible; blue line or the surface; the gloss over the dark matter; me versus the many; and art world/s.

IMAGE above: Laura Eldret, Gathering with Herringbone, 2019. Marker pen on paper, 21 x 29 cm.

PaC is

PaC is

My throat is full of forgetting

My throat is full of forgetting